A tribute to the Jawaans..
SNAP-1 :.............(A REPORTER SPEAKS) On 6th of April, 2010, between 6 and 7 a.m. about 70 Jawaans were killed by Maoists in the Dantewada Dist. of Chattisgarh. SNAP-2 :.............. (SOMEONE TWEETS) Our sincere tribute to the Jawaans.. Next 7 days in India..: Day 1-Ranting Day 2-Statements Day 3-Condemnation Day 4-Promises Day 5-IPL Day 6-Sania Day 7-Jawans are long forgotten. SNAP-3 :............... (A CASUAL TALK) ..VIRAAT- How is the tribute going to help the Jawaans or their families?? ..FRIEND- Its not gonna help them, its gonna help you, become more sensitive to such issues. ..VIRAAT- How pathetic, in this dire situation of hallabaloo in our country, when more then 70 Jawaans died, not fighting on the border but brutally murdered by fellow Indians, we are still thinking about ourselves. So selfish we are, paying tribute for our satisfaction. We should be angry about it and not contended by paying a two minute silence tribute. ..FRIEND- What do you suggest we s...